Monday, April 18, 2011

Study break!

Since I've actually been productive today, I don't feel guilty actually taking a study/homework break while I eat my udon noodles and blog.  And since I type quite fast, this won't even take me long at all.... An update beyond just a poem is needed, I think :)

So, first, I am back to my running routine again and managed a 9 mile run this afternoon.  I didn't plan on it, but I was feeling so good that I didn't want to stop.  I looked down at my Garmin, and oh, I was at 4.5 miles :)  I don't know how I managed it, actually, because I got less than 4 hours of sleep last night, and there was definitely some mouth pain in the first mile (that went away), and then it returned very painfully this evening.  I took a Vicodin and it kind of helped... I also drank coffee because I couldn't fall asleep.  Yep, haven't had a nap yet.  I have a counseling presentation tomorrow along with the submission of my plan for a presentation on Thursday.  This is in addition to a paper due Wednesday and another paper due Friday as well as a "Battle Command Conference" when we will also listen to officers talk about leadership tomorrow night and all Wednesday, SO, not getting much sleep this week! It's a good thing I'm graduating in oh... 32 DAYS!!!  Oh, I simply cannot wait, except I'm going to miss everyone.

  I was telling a couple of people how graduation can't come soon enough and yet I feel like it's coming too soon at the same time.  I still have several tasks to finish and I have stuff I still want to do in the area, but very little time to do it.  Like see an opera in the city, for instance.  I intend on doing that before graduation at some point.  This Saturday morning I am running a half marathon here, and then that night I intend on hitting up NYC with the girlies for some final dancing/bar action, since we haven't actually all made a trip to the city yet together.  Friday night, I have no idea.  I'm thinking almost everything I want to do is going to have to happen on a Saturday though because we have events almost every Saturday morning which means I can't really go too far on Friday (though there is still plenty I can do on a Friday!)  I also still want to hit up a few more hikes, Bannermans castle, and I just want to explore more before I leave! 

Anyways, I suppose I am thinking outloud, hence the stream of consciousness.  Must be the combo of lack of sleep + coffee/tea + Vicodin + a LOT of school work.  BUT, I am listening to a very excellent Pandora station as recommended by someone :)  The xx, who I hadn't heard of before ... well... yesterday, but they are awesome!  The station is playing several favorite songs of mine. 

Alas, these are some thoughts from recently - and mostly the past few days and today.  I guess I have been quite busy and if I was to type everything in, this would turn quite long, and would probably bore you, my reader :) 

Now I need to start on actually WRITING this paper... It's about a Vietnam war memoir, Stalking the Vietcong.  It was actually a good book, but unfortunately, it is still a book I had to read in order to write the paper... which meant spending time reading instead of writing and working on other assignments.  That book is why I'm so tired today, because I knew I had to finish it, so I was up into the wee hours reading.

Anyways, goodnight readers!  Time to move onto tasks of greater importance :/ 


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